In recent years the total area of the municipal solid waste landfills and waste dumps, including overloaded, which violate the norms of ecological safety and are the objects of the intensive ecological loading, that pollute the environment with chemical substances, causing chemical pollution of the soils, in particular, with the petroleum products, has greatly increased. Determination of the regression dependence of the petroleum products concentration in the soils on the distance to the landfills of municipal solid waste is the relevant scientific-technical problem.Objective of the study is determination of the regression dependence of the petroleum products concentration in the soils on the distance to the municipal solid waste landfills. Regression was performed on the base of the linearized transformations, which enable to reduce the nonlinear dependence to linear one. Determination of the regression equations coefficients was performed by the method of the least squares with the help of the elaborated computer program "RegAnaliz", protected by the Certificate of the State registration of the rights to the copyright object.Adequate regression power dependence of the petroleum product concentration in the soils on the distance to the landfills of municipal solid waste was obtained, the dependence was used for the determination of the safe distance for the solid municipal landfills location from the agricultural lands by the index of the level of chemical pollution of the soil with petroleum products. Graphic interpretation of the dependence of the petroleum products concentration in the soil on the distance to the landfill of municipal solid waste is constructed, this interpretation enables to illustrate this dependence and show the coincidence of the theoretical results with the actual results on the level of 0.9999996. It was established that the safe distance for the location of the landfills of municipal solid waste from the agricultural lands by the index of the level of chemical pollution of the soil with petroleum products is 66 m.