We jointly analyze Bolocam Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect and Chandra X-ray data for a set of 45 clusters to derive gas density and temperature profiles without using spectroscopic information. The sample spans the mass and redshift range 3×10 14 M ≤ M 500 ≤ 25 × 10 14 M and 0.15 ≤ z ≤ 0.89. We define cool-core (CC) and non-cool core (NCC) subsamples based on the central X-ray luminosity, and 17/45 clusters are classified as CC. In general, the profiles derived from our analysis are found to be in good agreement with previous analyses, and profile constraints beyond r 500 are obtained for 34/45 clusters. In approximately 30% of the CC clusters our analysis shows a central temperature drop with a statistical significance of > 3σ; this modest detection fraction is due mainly to a combination of coarse angular resolution and modest S/N in the SZ data. Most clusters are consistent with an isothermal profile at the largest radii near r 500 , although 9/45 show a significant temperature decrease with increasing radius. The sample mean density profile is in good agreement with previous studies, and shows a minimum intrinsic scatter of approximately 10% near 0.5 × r 500 . The sample mean temperature profile is consistent with isothermal, and has an intrinsic scatter of approximately 50% independent of radius. This scatter is significantly higher compared to earlier X-ray-only studies, which find intrinsic scatters near 10%, likely due to a combination of unaccounted for non-idealities in the SZ noise, projection effects, and sample selection.
X-ray/SZ Galaxy Cluster Deprojections 3determined for both the full cluster sample and various sub-samples. The standard flat ΛCDM model is used, with Ω m = 0.3, Ω Λ = 0.7, and the dimensionless Hubble parameter h = 0.7. The outline of the paper is as follows: Sec. 2 describes the cluster sample, Sec. 3 details the data reduction, and Sec. 4 reviews the modeling and fitting methods. Sec. 5 describes detailed consistency tests based on mock observations of smooth cluster models, Sec. 6 reviews the individual and joint cluster results, and Sec. 7 presents the overall conclusions.
CLUSTER SAMPLEThe Bolocam X-ray/SZ (BOXSZ) sample consists of 45 clusters observed by both Bolocam and Chandra, and Tab. 1 lists some important characteristics of the clusters. The images from both instruments are approximately 14 in size. Given the relatively high median redshift of the sample, z = 0.44 (see Fig. 1), these images in general contain information beyond r 500 and therefore allow for studies of the clusters' outskirts. The clusters' masses, as estimated from X-rays according to the procedures described in Mantz et al. (2010b), span the range M 500 3 − 25 × 10 14 M .As in Sayers et al. (2013b), CC and NCC clusters are differentiated using an X-ray luminosity ratio cut. If the luminosity within 0.05r 500 is greater than 0.17 times the total luminosity within r 500 , then the cluster is classified as CC. Within the BOXSZ sample, the CC clusters have a lower median redshift compared to the NCC cluste...