A nuclear microprobe at the IFJ PAN in Cracow has found numerous applications in different fields of research, mostly in biophysics, medical sciences, geology, and material research. In order to extend the research possibilities, a new X-ray microprobe was constructed. This new microprobe consists of three experimental lines dedicated to: (i) X-ray irradiation of biological specimens, (ii) elemental analysis of samples by micro X-ray fluorescence or total reflection X-ray fluorescence methods and (iii) computer microtomography. In this paper the computer microtomography line was described. The line consists of an open type Hamamatsu L9191 X-ray tube with microfocusing to about 2 µm, a high resolution X-ray sensitive CCD camera, and a precise goniometer composed of six piezoelectric motors. Depending on the required X-ray energy, the Hamamatsu tube is used with Ti, Mo, Ag, or W targets. A small focus size and short focus-to-object distance enable to obtain images of samples with a magnification of more than 1000× and resolution of the order of 2 µm. The computer microtomography measurements are carried out using home developed codes combined with commercial software. Details of the microprobe construction and preliminary results of the computer microtomography experiments are presented.