Indium phosphide nanowires are of significant technological interest for applications ranging from single junction solar cells to high speed electronics. However, the efficient placement and integration of nanowires into devices remains a significant challenge. Here we extend the technique of electrically controlled solution-liquid-solid (EC-SLS) catalytic nanowire growth to indium phosphide. We are able to control the amount of nanowire growth by varying the bias voltage between the electrodes in solution, and to monitor nanowire bridging across the electrodes by recording the conductivity as a function of growth time. The as-grown indium phosphide nanowires exhibit n-type conductivity as was determined by the in situ integration of nanowires into a field effect transistor geometry. The ability to monitor nanowire growth and electrically control nanowire placement are valuable tools for fabricating nanowire devices. The EC-SLS process has the potential to aid in the fabrication of nanowire devices that could find applications in nanoelectronics, and as electrodes in solar cells and batteries.