In recent years, several Scientometrics and Bibliometrics indicators were proposed to evaluate the scientific impact of individuals, institutions, colleges, universities and research teams. The h-index gives a major breakthrough in the research community to evaluate the scientific impact of individual. It got a lot of attention due to its simplicity and several other indicators were proposed to extend the properties of h-index as well as to overcome shortcomings of h-index. In this literature review, we have discussed advantages and limitations of almost all Scientometrics as well as Bibliometrics indicators which have been categorised in eight categories :(i) Complement of h-index, (ii) Based on total number of authors, (iii) Based on publication age, (iv) Combination of two indices, (v) Based on excess citation count, (vi) Based on total publication count, (vii) Based on other variants and (viii) Based on account of self citation count. The main objective of this article is to study all those indicators which has been proposed to evaluate the scientific impact of individual researcher or a group of researchers.