“…At present, the species A. telluris includes strains originally classified as C. slooffii (van Uden & do Carmo Sousa, 1957), T. bovina (l C. bovina) and T. pintolopesii (l C. pintolopesii) (Kurtzman, 1998a ;Barnett et al, 2000). Both morphologically and physiologically, these species were found to be extremely similar to one another and to S. telluris (l A. telluris ;van der Walt & Yarrow, 1984) and, as few carbon sources are utilized by these yeasts (Kurtzman, 1998a ;Barnett et al, 2000), species differentiation was limited mainly to differences in minimum temperature for growth and the ability to form ascospores or pseudomycelia (van Uden & Buckley, 1970 ;van Uden & Vidal-Leira, 1970 ;Mendonc: a-Hagler & Phaff, 1975).…”