The rise of non-European sport athletes has meant a need for their cultural ways to be acknowledged in the sporting arena. Although the players' cultures are visible in sports, through war chants, tattoos, and cultural singing, much of their interactions as athletes are underpinned by foreign western centric philosophies. Many of them are forced to work in an environment which privileges individual capitalism, over their cultural values of service. The failure of sporting organisations to understand the cultural beliefs and practices of players has not only resulted in cultural exclusion but also an incorrect analysis of the player lifespan of these athletes. As Indigenous researchers, we use a culturally appropriate service model to underpin the lifecycle of these professional athletes. Through the analysis of three Indigenous professional athletes from various sporting codes, we provide insight into their professional life span along with their priorities, responsibilities, and duties. By exploring their narratives through a cultural lens, the professional life span of a rookie, veteran and legend athlete are explored and analysed. It is envisioned that this article will provide a strengths-based view of Indigenous athletes and the unique worldviews they bring.