This article aims to reveal the teacher's perception of the use of character-themed children's songs in PAUD schools in Yogyakarta, especially in the Sleman Regency, in the postmodern era. This research uses quantitative methods, with the type of survey research. The sample in this study were teachers and principals in PAUD schools with accreditation A in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. We select the sample using purposive sampling. Data collected through questionnaires and interviews. The validity of the instruments used is content validity and construct validity, and the analysis method of the data used in this research is descriptive analysis. We conducted this research in PAUD schools in the Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, from March to July 2019. The reason for choosing the topic of the use of children's songs in PAUD schools is the importance of inculcation of character in the postmodern era. Early childhood is in a crucial phase to instill and shape the character of children. Also, music is very suitable as a learning media for early childhood. In addition to being a media for instilling positive values, children can develop themselves according to their abilities and interests through music. That way, children will become more honest with themselves and the surrounding environment, with direction from teachers and parents. According to postmodern teaching principles, the best teaching is an environment that can direct and support the various needs of each child.