We report a Raman scattering study of low-temperature, pressure-induced melting of the CDW phase of 1T-TiSe2. Our Raman scattering measurements reveal that the collapse of the CDW state occurs in three stages: (i) For P<5 kbar, the pressure dependence of the CDW amplitude mode energies and intensities are indicative of a "crystalline" CDW regime; (ii) for 5 < P < 25 kbar, there is a decrease in the CDW amplitude mode energies and intensities with increasing pressure that suggests a regime in which the CDW softens, and may decouple from the lattice; and (iii) for P>25 kbar, the absence of amplitude modes reveals a melted CDW regime. PACS numbers: 71.30.+h; 71.45.Lr; There has been a great deal of interest in the relationship between various diverse and exotic low temperature phases of strongly correlated systems, including the antiferromagnetic insulating and unconventional superconducting phases of the high T c cuprates,[1] the chargeordered insulating and ferromagnetic metal phases of the manganese perovskites,[2] the orbital-ordered and ferromagnetic metal phases of the ruthenates, [3,4,5] and the charge-density-wave (CDW) and superconducting phases of layered dichalcogenides such as 2H-NbSe 2 .[6] Of particular interest is the exotic phase behavior that is expected between fully-ordered (crystalline) and disordered (isotropic) phases as one tunes the interactions in these systems using some control parameter other than temperature. These include, for example, electronically phase-separated regimes, [2] and "quantum liquid crystal" smectic and nematic phases, which are expected to be observed between charge-ordered insulating and 'disordered' metallic or superconducting phases as one increases the interactions between the charge stripes. [7] Clearly, therefore, it is of great interest to carefully explore the manner in which quantum ordered phases collapse, or 'melt', into quantum disordered phases as a function of some control parameter that tunes the competing interactions in the material at low temperatures.In this paper, we report a pressure-dependent low temperature Raman scattering study of the CDW system 1T-TiSe 2 , in which we are able to explore the manner in which the CDW state 'melts' with increasing pressure near T∼0 K. Because of its layered structure and simple commensurate CDW phase, 1T-TiSe 2 is an ideal system for such an investigation. 1T-TiSe 2 is also of interest because the CDW transition is not driven by conventional Fermi surface nesting, but rather by an unconventional mechanism involving electron-hole coupling and an "indirect" Jahn-Teller effect.[8] Our low-temperature, pressure-dependent light scattering approach allows us to explore unique details associated with quantum mechanical melting of the CDW in 1T-TiSe 2 . In particular, this study reveals that the CDW state evolves with increasing pressure in a manner reminiscent of classical 2D melting, with 'crystalline' and 'disordered' regimes, as well as an intermediate 'soft' CDW regime in which the CDW may be incommensurate with the...