Correspondence to be sent to: At the beginning of the seventies, O. Zariski proposed several problems related with the (embedded) topology of a germ of a n-dimensional hypersurface singularity defined by the zero locus of a germ of a complex analytic function. The second one was roughly stated as "if two analytic hypersurface germs are topologically equivalent then their tangent cones must be homeomorphic and the homeomorphism must respect the topological equisingularity type at any point." In this paper, we give counterexamples for n = 3 and 4 (even in a family). Our proof is mainly based on the study of the topology of weighted-Lê-Yomdin surface singularities which are a generalization of the well-known Lê-Yomdin singularities. We obtain a formula for the Milnor number of a weighted-Lê-Yomdin surface singularity and derive an equisingularity criterion for them.In [19], Zariski proposed to study a series of problems (from A to H) related with the (embedded) topology of a germ of a hypersurface singularity (V, 0) ⊂ (C n , 0) defined by the zero locus of a germ of a complex analytic function f : (C n , 0) → (C, 0). He defined