Abstract-Reflex responses in the recurrent laryngeal (RL) nerve to stimulation of the superior laryngeal (SL) nerve and the effects of antitussive drugs on these reflex re sponses were studied in order to elucidate the site of action of these drugs in encephale isole cats. The RL nerve fibers were classified into four types by discharge patterns in respect to phases of artificial ventilation; type I: no spontaneous discharges, type II: discharges in phase with inflation of the lung, type III: discharges in phase with deflation of the lung, type IV: tonic discharges.Repetitive stimulation of the SL nerve elicited tonic burst discharges or short burst discharges in all types of RL nerve, while the same procedure inhibited ongoing discharges of the type III and IV fib: rs only. The inhibited fibers tended to have slow conduction velocities (20-80 m/sec). Administration of antitussive drugs such as codeine, dextro methorphan and oxymetebanol as well as pentobarbital decreased the frequency of the after spike dis chargesin the RL nerves evoked following repetitive shocks to the SL nerve, but had no effects on the inhibition of RL nerve discharges evoked by the stimulation of the same nerve. The neuropharmacological implication of these findings as related to the cough reflex are discussed.The special role of the glottis in the cough is well known (1). The glottis closes for a short time and then suddenly opens very early in the process of expiration. The activity in the recurrent laryngeal (RL) nerve either opens or closes the larynx through contraction of the corresponding musculatures (2, 3). Histological and physiological studies have shown that the ambigLius nucleus is the motor nucleus of the RL nerve (4, 5).In a previous report, a preliminary intracellular study of the ambiguus neurons was per formed and polysynaptic excitatory postsynatic potentials (EPSP) from the superior laryngeal (SL) nerve were recorded (6). However, the small size of the ambiguus motoneurons im peded the stable recording of the synaptic potentials responsible for the contraction of the glottis during repetitive stimulation of the SL nerve, thus making a quantitative assessment of the change during the time course of drug action almost impossible. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to obtain more information on the motoneurons by recording activity of the motor axons in the RL nerve which induce contraction of the laryngeal muscles and to ascertain the effects of certain antitussive drugs and pentobarbital on the RL nerve in cats.