The creep of single crystals of Zn deformed by simple shear along the basis plane (0001) has been investigated in the temperature range 1.5 to 80 OK. It is shown that the influence of temperature on the creep in the investigated temperature range is weaker than that predicted by t h e classical theory of thermally activated creep. A peculiar temperature run of parameters describing the creep process has been discovered and proved anomalous as compared with the classical run. A mechanism for the influence of zero-point vibrations of the dislocation line on its motion through an aggregate of local obstacles is suggested and analyzed. The results obtained in this way show a satisfactory agreement with the experimental data. ~CCneAOBaHa IIOJI3y4eCTb MOHOKPHCTaJIJIOB Zn, He@OpMHpyeMbIX sHCTbIM CABHrOM no KTIOCXOCTH 6 a a~c a (0001) B o 6 n a c~~r TeMIlepaTyp 1.5 A0 80 O K . n O K a -3aH0, YTO B HCCJleHOBaHHOM TeMIIepaTypHOM HHTepBaJle BJIHFlHHe TeMllepaTypbI YeCKOfi TePMOaKTHBHPYeMOfi IIOn3yseCTH. 06HapyWeH aHOMaJIbHbIfi, IIO CpaB-HeHHH3 C KJIaCCMYeCKHM, TeMIIepaTypHbIfi XOR IIapaMeTpOB, OIIMCbIBaIO~HX np0-UeCC nOn3yYeCTH. UPeHJIOWeH I4 IIpOaHanH3HpOBaH MeXaHH3M BJIHHHHEI HyJIeBbIX KOJIf36aHHfi .QHCJlOKagHOHHOfi JIMHHH Ha ee HBHWeHHe sepe3 COBOKYllHOCTb JIOKaJIb-HbIX IIpeIlHTCTBtifi. ~OJlyYeHHhIe npH TaKOM PaCCMOTpeHHH pe3ynbTaTbI YAOB-JleTBOpHTeJIbHO COI' JIaCyIOTCH C 3XCIlepHMeHTaJIbHbIMII AaHHbIMM.Ha n o m y~e c~b mnHeTcn 6onee CJIafibIM, YeM n p e~c x a 3~s a e~ Teopm KaaccH-