I. INTRODUCTIONB ATTERYLESS energy harvesting devices (e.g., [2], [3]) operate by relying upon several ambient sources such as solar [3], radiofrequency (RF) [4], [5] and even bacteria species [6]. These devices store the harvested energy in a small capacitor. They consume the stored energy conservatively to compute, sense, and communicate. When the capacitor drains out, these devices turn off due to a power failure. Therefore, the life-cycle of a batteryless device is composed of charge, sense/compute/send, and die intervals that repeat indefinitely.Wireless communication is an indispensable requirement for batteryless sensors. Radio transmission using active radios is costly compared to the energy budget of batteryless systems [1], [7]. RF backscatter avoids the energy-hungry circuits of active radios (e.g., power-hungry mixers generating carrier waves [8]), which brings almost zero-power wireless communication capabilities for batteryless nodes. In traditional RF backscatter, tags transmit by reflecting the impinging RF signals produced by a dedicated illuminator. This operation requires several orders of magnitude less energy than wireless tag transmission using active radios [1], [9].The ultra-low-power wireless communication capability introduced by the RF backscatter is not sufficient to enable reliable communication among transiently-powered batteryless nodes [10]. In particular, prior work assumed that devices are continuously powered even during zero-power communications, e.g., the RFID reader provides continuous energy. However, batteryless nodes operate intermittently, and communication is subject to power failures. Consider the scenario between two batteryless nodes depicted in Figure 1. Node A, which has a high energy level, wants to engage transmission with node B, which has a low energy level. In this example, the receiver node does not have enough energy to pursue the packet reception. Node B dies upon an unpredicted power failure, which leads to a packet delivery failure and wastes