Summary:Zika virus (ZIKV) has been shown to be highly neurotropic; neurologic disorders are a common complication of this infection. Encephalitis—an inflammation of the brain parenchyma associated with neurologic dysfunction—is a rare complication of ZIKV infections. It affects patients from young to elderly ages. Clinical presentation of ZIKV encephalitis may be heterogeneous, including altered mental status (decreased or altered level of consciousness, lethargy, or personality change), seizures, and focal deficits. Complementary diagnostic investigation should include neuroimaging, lumbar puncture, and EEG. Neuroimaging findings in ZIKV encephalitis are not specific and may be diverse, including normal findings, hyperintense lesions on MRI involving cortical or subcortical structures, symmetric or asymmetric lesions involving supra or infratentorial regions, and more widespread involvement such as brain swelling. A remarkable scarcity of neurophysiological data on ZIKV encephalitis was found in the literature. In line with other diagnostic examinations, there are no neurophysiological findings suggestive or specific of the disease. EEG in ZIKV encephalitis showed different results: normal or diffuse disorganization of background activity, asymmetry with abnormal focal slow waves, focal epileptic discharges or generalized spike–wave and multispike–wave complexes, and periods of generalized voltage attenuation.