1. Zinc, copper, iron, protein and energy intakes of 232 lactating women (consuming self-selected diets during the first 3 months post-partum) were computed from food intake values obtained using a 3 d dietary-recall method. Non-pregnant, non-lactating women (100) served as controls. Blood samples of subjects were also analysed for packed cell volume and haemoglobin concentrations as well as for plasma Zn, Cu and Fe levels by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.2. Except for Fe, intakes of all nutrients measured were significantly lower than recommended dietary allowances for lactation. Daily mean (and SD) Zn, Cu, Fe (mg), protein (g) and energy (MJ) intakes for lactating women were 8.2 (1.6), 1.6 (0.5), 29.0 (5.8), 52.4 (9.2) and 10.21 respectively. There was a significant intercorrelation between the different nutrients in the diet. 5. While maternal weight, arm circumference and skinfold thickness measurements tended to decrease with increase in the period of lactation, growth performance of entirely breast-fed babies was satisfactory as at the 12th week post-partum.