Enynes with at ethered carbonyl substituent are converted into substituted furan derivatives upon hydrogenation using [Cp*RuCl] 4 as the catalyst. Paradoxically,t his transformation can occur along two distinct pathways,each of which proceeds via discrete pianostool ruthenium carbenes.In the first case,h ydrogenation and carbene formation are synchronized ("gem-hydrogenation"), whereas the second pathway comprises carbene formation by carbophilic activation of the triple bond, followed by hydrogenative catalyst recycling.Representative carbene intermediates of either route were characterized by X-ray crystallography;t he structural data prove that the attacko ft he carbonyl group on the electrophilic carbene center follows aBürgi-Dunitz trajectory.After ac entury of intense research by the scientific community on catalytic hydrogenation, our group has recently been able to identify an entirely new reactivity mode.S pecifically,i tw as shown that alkynes can undergo gem-hydrogenation, ar eaction in which both H-atoms of H 2 are delivered to one and the same acetylenic C-atom while the adjacent position is concomitantly transformed into adiscrete metal carbene. [1,2] At the current stage of development, [Cp*RuCl] 4 is the precatalyst of choice;m oreover,h eteroatom substituents in vicinity of the triple bond are often necessary to render the reaction efficient. Detailed spectroscopic and computational data indicate that the resulting pianostool ruthenium complexes basically exhibit aF ischercarbene character with ac ertain overtone reminiscent of Grubbs-type catalysts. [3] This view is corroborated by the fact that they participate in either intramolecular cyclopropanation or metathesis reactions,d epending on the chosen substrate. [4] Fort heir largely electrophilic nature,s uch complexes should be able to participate in various other catalytic transformations too.I ft his is the case, gem-hydrogenation might eventually evolve into an attractive alternative to diazoalkane decomposition, which is arguably the most common gateway to highly reactive late-transition metal carbenes. [5,6] Thef oray along these lines outlined below was inspired by ar ecent publication describing an innovative entry into highly substituted furan derivatives (Scheme 1). [7] Specifically,d iazo compounds A were shown to react with catalytic [CpRu(MeCN) 3 ]PF 6 to generate transient cationic ruthenium carbenes B,w hich get trapped by the tethered ester group to give the corresponding heterocycle C.W e reasoned that this type of transformation might be emulated by gem-hydrogenation of enyne D,i nw hich the propargylic -OR substituent directs carbene formation to the distal acetylenic site. [1,2] Akin to B,t he resulting intermediate E might furnish furan F,even though E is aneutral rather than cationic entity.In line with our expectations,p roduct 2 was formed in almost quantitative yield (! 95 %) upon stirring of asolution of 1 and [Cp*RuCl] 4 (2 mol %) in CH 2 Cl 2 under an atmosphere of H 2 (1 bar) for 3h at ambient temperature (Scheme ...