Abstract:Rice is the staple food in Sri Lanka and the country has a large number of traditional and improved rice varieties. Since their zinc content and bio-availability has not been studied systematically, the present study focused on the zinc content in some traditional rice varieties with high demand and also some improved rice varieties, and their predictable bioavailability.Thirty nine rice varieties from Bombuwala and Bathalagoda Regional Agricultural Research and Development Centres, grown during Yala (March -August, 2006) and Maha were analysed for stable high zinc rice varieties. Mean zinc content (mg/100 g, on dry weight basis) in the varieties from Bathalagoda varied from 2.17 (Masuran) to 4.49 (Wanni Dahanala), while in the varieties from Bombuwala it varied from 2.46 (Bg 352) to 3.71 (Dahanala) with average values of 3.19 ± 0.55 and 3.11 ± 0.32, respectively. Overall mean zinc content (mg/ 100 g, on dry basis) in the two locations varied from 2.51 (Masuran) -3.91 (Kalu Bala Wee) with an average value of 3.18 ± 0.45.was observed with respect to the site, season, variety, site*var and ses*var in two way ANOVA, while site*ses*var in three way ANOVA. The reduction of zinc and phytic acid contents in the polished rice varieties (at polishing rate 8 -10 %) were 18.2 -60.7 % and 18.8 -40.8 %, respectively between zinc and phytic acid. A moderate bio-availability of zinc was shown by the molecular ratio of zinc:phytic acid and these values ranged from 8.3 -12.5 and 9.3 -18.9 in brown rice and polished rice, respectively.