Micronutrients perform speci c and essential functions in plant metabolism, and their de ciency may lead to metabolic disturbances that a ect co ee production and quality beverage. In Brazil, the B, Cu, and Zn are the main micronutrients, and these are provided by soil or foliar fertilization, frequently with low recovery e ciency. is work objected verifying the feasibility of supplying of B, Cu, and Zn via insertion of tablets in the orthotropic branch of Co ea arabica, as well as to evaluate the co ee plant response in terms of productivity and quality of the beverage. Adult plants received B, Cu, and Zn, each micronutrient alone or combined with the other two, by foliar fertilization or by tablets inserted in the trunk base. e productivity, cupping quality, and some chemical indicators of beans quality were evaluated in two crop seasons. Boron, copper, and zinc supplied by foliar spray or solid injections in the trunk in uenced the chemical composition and quality of the co ee beans, characterized by the cupping test and the levels of ca eine, trigonelline, sucrose, glucose, arabinose, mannose, 3-ca eoylquinic acid, 5-ca eoylquinic acid, polyphenol oxidase activity, and total phenolic compounds. Copper and zinc were equivalent in either form of supply regarding the production and quality of co ee.