A B S T R A C TThe climatic aptitude proposes to characterize the meteorological elements that most act in the behavior of the crops and, in their extreme conditions, will significantly interfere the growth and development of the plant. The objective of this study was to determine the climatic aptitude, aiming to identify the productive potential of the cashew, forage palm and corn crops, based on climate indicators, considering the natural variability of the pluviometric regime, established according to the crop requirement, of the method adopted to obtain the climatic water balance was the one proposed by Thornthwaite & Mather (1948, 1955, with spreadsheets elaborated by Medeiros (2016) that counts soil water, in which precipitation represents gain and loss evapotranspiration of soil moisture, and the values corresponding to the Water Surplus (EXC) and Water Deficiency (DEF) can be estimated. Based on this methodology, the available soil water storage capacity (CAD) of 100 mm was estimated. Rainfall data were acquired from the Northeast Development Authority and the Pernambuco Water and Climate Agency for the period between 1920 and 2016. For large-scale planting requires adequate planning for the use of cultivars that are more resistant to temperatures and humidity indexes, since water scarcity in the municipality, as well as rainfall is irregularly distributed, causing the soil to have a balance water for six to seven months of the year. It is recommended that the corn crop be used as a sower culture and its adaptation is conditioned to planting within the rainy season. Keywords: Evapopluviograma, pluvial regime, deficiency and water surplus.
R E S U M OA aptidão climática propõe caracterizar os elementos meteorológicos que mais atuam no comportamento das culturas e, que em suas condições extremas, venham interferir sensivelmente o crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta. O estudo objetivou determinar a aptidão climática, visando identificar o potencial produtivo das culturas do cajueiro, palma forrageira e milho, com base em indicadores de clima, considerando a variabilidade natural do regime pluviométrico, estabelecida de acordo com a exigência da cultura, utilizou-se do método adotado para obtenção do balanço hídrico climático foi o proposto por Thornthwaite & Mather (1948, 1955, com elaboração de planilhas eletrônicas realizadas por Medeiros (2016) que contabiliza a água do solo, em que a precipitação representa ganho e a evapotranspiração perda de umidade do solo, podendo-se estimar os valores correspondentes ao Excedente Hídrico (EXC) e Deficiência Hídrica (DEF). Com base nesta metodologia foi estimada a capacidade de armazenamento de água disponível no solo (CAD) de 100 mm Os dados pluviométricos foram adquiridos da Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste e da Agencia Pernambucana de Água e Clima para o período entre de 1920 e 2016. Para o plantio de larga escala é necessário um planejamento adequado para a utilização de cultivares mais resistentes