Kurashov et al.: The role of environmental factors in the formation of zooplankton in tributaries of Lake Ladoga - Abstract. The role of environmental factors in the formation of zooplankton in tributaries of Lake Ladoga is still poorly investigated. The authors aimed at exploring composition and quantitative patterns of zooplankton development in the major tributaries of Ladoga and assessing the impact of environmental factors and features of river catchment basins on the parameters of zooplankton development. A total of 137 taxa ranking below genus were identified (56 species and subspecies of Rotifera, 57 of Cladocera, 24 of Copepoda). Species composition and patterns of quantitative development cannot be explained by any environmental factors or their combination. It is impossible to determine groups of rivers with similar patterns of zooplankton development basing on the composition and abundances of individual zooplankton species. River clustering based on hydrochemical and hydrological parameters and features of catchment basins provides an opportunity to distinguish groups of similar rivers. Total abundances of copepoda, cladocera, and rotifera in the rivers are closely associated with certain combinations of studied physiographic parameters. Physiographic factors, namely, the catchment basin area, water discharge, and lake percentage on the territory of the catchment basin, are the most important in the level of quantitative development of Copepoda, Rotifera, and Cladocera in tributaries of Lake Ladoga.