Elucidation of food web interactions provides a better understanding of ecosystem functioning, indicates anthropogenic impacts which often cause alterations in environmental conditions and deterioration in feeding networks in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The importance of microfauna and macroinvertebrates in the littoral zones of shallow waters has been poorly studied regarding their trophic interactions. This study compares invertebrate assemblage and food web interactions among epiphyton, zooplankton and benthic macroinvertebrates across structural heterogeneity in the littoral zone of three temperate shallow water bodies. Submerged and structurally-complex stands of Ceratophyllum demersum inhabited a higher abundance of cladocerans and supported a higher diversity and biomass of epiphytic protozoans and invertebrates than floating-leaved Nuphar lutea stands. Analysis of the ecosystem functioning illustrated the increased biomass of macroinvertebrate predators and a preference of predation over planktonic crustaceans in more complex macrophyte stands. Food webs displayed higher complexity and size with habitat heterogeneity, while epiphyton and zooplankton shared an important fraction in food resources among the invertebrate trophic network. Results of food web modelling indicated zooplankton and epiphyton as more vulnerable to invertebrate predation in the complex submerged macrophytes than in the floating-leaved macrophyte stands. Integrated approaches to community, ecosystem and food webs in explanation of complex trophic interactions in the littoral zones confirmed an increase in diversity and food-web functional complexity with structural heterogeneity of microhabitats. Razjašnjenje interakcija u hranidbenoj mreži omogućuje bolje razumijevanje funkcioniranja ekosustava te indikaciju antropogenih učinaka koji često uzrokuju promjene uvjeta okoliša i narušavanje hranidbene mreže kopnenih i vodenih ekosustava. Trofičke interakcije mikrofaune i makrozoobentosa slabo su proučavane u priobalnim (litoralnim) zonama plitkih vodenih tijela. Cilj ovog rada je usporediti interakcije beskralježnjaka i izvora hrane, uključujući epifiton, zooplankton i makrozoobentos u strukturno heterogenim litoralnim zonama triju plikih jezera umjerenog pojasa. U submerznim i strukturno složenim makrofitskim sastojinama vrste Ceratophyllum demersum
NAT. CROAT. VOL. 26 No 2 145-166 ZAGREB DECEMBER 31, 2017146 Špoljar, M. et al.: Disentangling food webs interactions in the littoral of temperate shallow lakes rašljoticalci su razvili populacije velike brojnosti, a također je u njima zbilježena veća raznolikost i biomasa epifitskih protozoa i beskralježnjaka u usporedbi sa sastojinama plutajuće vrste Nuphar lutea. Analiza funkcioniranja ekosustava ukazivala je na to da je u heterogenim makrofitskim sastojinama povećana biomasa makrozoobentoskih predatora i izraženija je njihova predacija nad planktonskim rakovima. Hranidbene mreže bile su složenije u heterogenima staništima, a epifiton i zooplankton imali su važan udio u hranidbe...