The composition of tender leaves from five species of the family Cruciferae (Alliaria petiolata, Cardaria draba, Cakile maritima, Capsella bursa‐pastoris and Sisymbrium irio)from different locations of the southeast of Spain (Almeria) was investigated. The proximate composition, mineral elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn), fatty acids, vitamin C, carotenoids and oxalic acid contents were determined. The available carbohydrate contents ranged from 1.4% ‐ 8.2%. Vitamin C contents were high, specially in Alliaria petiolata (261 mg/100 g). Carotenoid content was relatively high in Alliaria petiolata (13.3 mg). Mineral elements were present at higher concentrations than is common for other green leafy vegetables. Fiber amounts were also remarkable (1.96–5.38 g/100 g). The ω3 series of fatty acids were predominant in the three species (Capsella bursa‐pastoris 54.02%). Oxalic acid values and ratios of oxalic acid/Ca were moderate, being higher in C. maritima. We believe that these
species of crucifers could be used for dietary purposes, due to the amount and diversity of nutrients they contain.