Some characteristics of complex coacervation are briefly discussed. A general phase diagram is given, showing the influence of electrolytes on the composition of the two-phase system at constant charge density and mixing ratio of the two poly-electrolytes. The applicability of the phaserule is discussed.A model for calculations on complex coacervation is proposed, based on the interaction of oppositely charged coils in a sslt solution.
I n t r o d u c t i o n .In homogeneous liquid systems, a demixing into two liquid, isotropic layers takes place under certain conditions. In most cases both layers are quite different in composition (e.g. in the system ether-water).A phase separation also occurs sometimes in solutions of colloids, for example in solutions of gelatin upon addition of alcohol or salts 1). The two phases in this case differ mainly in the concentration of gelatin.For this kind of phase separation, Bungenberg de Jong and Kruyt 1) introduced the name coacervation. The most conc. solution is called coacervate. The diluted phase is called equilibrium liquid.The above mentioned phase separation is considered by Bungenberg de Jong as caused by the dehydrating action of the added alcohol, leading to a reduction in solubility of the gelatin. The presence of charged groups plays little or no part in the phenomenon.On the other hand, if one mixes solutions of oppositely charged poly-electrolytes (e.9. gelatin and gum arabic between pH 1.7 and pH 4.7) coacervation is observed even without addition of alcohol.From these two examples we see, that coacervation may be sub. divided into two main groups: a. Simple coacervation (charged groups play no part) for phase separation). This classification is due to Bungenberg de Jong and K r u y t l ) . A discussion on this terminology has been given by Dervichian 2).Bungenberg de Jong 3 ) and his school carried out a great number of experiments on complex coacervation, especially on the system gelatin-gum arabic. He also suggested a theory for the mechanism of phase separation 4 ) . (See par. 2). Further experimental results on the same system have been given by Deroichian 5 ) and Bourgoin 6). A rather extensive list of literature on reactions between polymeric acids and bases has been given by Deuel 7 ) .Coacervation in non aqueous systems is of common occurrence and is extensively used in the fractionation of polymeric substances 8 ) .Calculations on phase equilibria in these systems have been given by Tompa 9 ) and Bamiord and Tompa 10).It is our purpose to give calculations on complex coacervation. Although it is exceptionally observed in systems containing only microions 11). we confine ourselves to the case of two (or more) polyelectrolytes in aqueous salt solution. Before going into detail, however, we have to mention in short some characteristics of complex coacervation and their qualitative explanation given by Bungenberg de
S o m e a s p e c t s of c o m p l e x c o a c e r v a t i o n .To get complex coacervation, one mixes together two aqueous solutions of oppos...