The present paper deals with spatial and temporal distribution of pteridophytic megafossils within Palaeozoic plant bearing horizons of India. An attempt has been made to describe the pteridophytic assemblages in various strata of different ages, dynamism of the relative dominance pattern of various types of pteridophytes within each assemblage vis-Ã -vis the environment they lived in. Critical discussion has been done regarding increasing diversity of Palaeozoic pteridophytic taxa, taxonomic riddles, plant architecture, ecological analysis and phylogenetic implications. Special attention has been given to the floristic regionalism of Lower Carboniferous flora of India in reference to the world palaeophytogeography and occurrence of admixture of Cathaysian, Euramerian and Gondwana pteridophytic elements in palaeoecotone zone near the northwestern boundary of Indian Gondwana Plate.