In previous papers where complete bibliographies are given, Campbejl, Kartzmark, and Gieskes (1) have studied the isothermal vapor pressures a t 25' C, and Campbell and Kartzmark (2) the critical phenomena of the system acetic acid -chloroforrn -water. I t seemed a desirable sequel to the above work to determine the isobaric boiling points under one atmosphere pressure. Little discussion is necessary since the boiling point diagram is largely a consequence of the vapor pressure diagram. Further work is proceeding on the dielectric constants and heats of mixing of this system.
EXPERIMENTALPressure was controlled with an accuracy of f 0.02 mm, by means of a two-stage barostat of the type described by Campbell and Dulmage (3). For the study of the liquid-vapor equilibria of the acetic acidchloroform system, we used the equilibrium still of Scatchard, Raymond, and Gillman (4). This still, however, was found not to be satisfactory for the ternary mixtures, because in these mixtures the distillates usually separate into two layers so that no proper equilibrium can be established. For this purpose, therefore, we used the apparatus of Reinders and de Minjer (5); instead of their bell stirrer, we introduced a Scatchard pump. Nevertheless, the accuracy of this apparatus is not high and the boiling temperatures of the ternary system are not more accurate than f 0.5" C. The corresponding accuracy with the Scatchard still is ~0 . 1 " C. Analyses were carried out by the method described by Campbell, Kartzinarlr, and Gieskes (I). Temperatures were measured with a double junction copper-constantan therinocouple and a precision potentiometer with an accuracy of f 0.1" C. The materials Tvere purified by the methods described by Campb~ll, Kartzmark, and-Gieskes (1). When the above figures are plotted in the usual way, the simplest type of boiling point diagram is obtained, without ~naximum or ~ninirnum ; in other words, complete separation of chloroform and acetic acid is possible by fractional distillation.
Acetic Acid -Chloroform