Life-world-analytical ethnography aims to investigate the subjective perspective-the life-worlds-of other people. Life-world-analytical ethnography is based on the premise that any world which is not apprehended as a life-world-that is, as the totality of a world that is subjectively experienced-is a fiction. For we do not, in fact, have any knowledge of a world that is not subjectively experienced-of the world per se, as it were. The investigation of one's own life-world is a difficult program in itself, a program that mundane phenomenology, in particular, endeavors to pursue. However, the investigation of the life-worlds of other actors calls for numerous additional precautions and measures. This article discusses the origins and foundations as well as particular challenges of lifeworld-analytical ethnography.Keywords life-world analysis, lived experience, mundane-phenomenology, small social life-worlds, observant participationWith this contribution to a phenomenology-based ethnography, we present an empirical research concept that is strongly oriented toward the description of the experiences that people have. In other words, it is aimed at the