IntroductionTo examine putative relationships between adrenergic receptors on accessible circulating cells and relatively inaccessible extravascular catecholamine target tissues, we measured mononuclear leukocyte (MNL) and lung fl-adrenergic receptors and platelet and lung a-adrenergic receptors in tissues obtained from 15 patients undergoing pulmonary resection. Plasma catecholamine concentrations were measured concurrently to explore potential regulatory relationships between the activity of the sympathochromaffin system and both intravascular and extravascular adrenergic receptors. MNL and lung membrane 0-adrenergic receptor densities were correlated highly (r = 0.845, P < 0.001 The pharmacology, physiology, biochemistry, and cellular and molecular biology of the adrenergic receptors (adrenoceptors) that mediate the diverse actions of the catecholamines have been studied extensively in vitro and to a lesser extent in vivo in animals (1-3). Application of this data base to the study of adrenergic receptor regulation in humans is limited by the relative inaccessibility of relevant catecholamine target tissues such as heart, lung, etc. Therefore, most investigators studying human adrenergic receptors have measured these on accessible intravascular tissues, circulating mononuclear leukocytes (12-adrenergic receptors), platelets (a2-adrenergic receptors), or both, and used these measurements as indices of adrenergic receptor status on extravascular target tissues (3), i.e., those tissues that are not exposed directly to the intravascular compartment. This approach rests on the critical assumption that adrenergic receptor status on circulating cells reflects faithfully that on catecholamine target cells throughout the body. Although one can marshal a body of evidence to support this assumption, certain apparent exceptions led one of us to urge caution (4). For example, estrogen administration has been reported to decrease platelet but increase myometrial a-adrenergic receptor density in rabbits (5, 6), and thyroid hormone excess has been reported to increase human mononuclear leukocyte (7) and rat myocardial (8) fl-adrenergic receptor densities but decrease rat hepatic j3-adrenergic receptor density (9). Furthermore, regulation of extravascular adrenergic receptors by catecholamines has been found to be tissue and receptor subtype selective (10, 1 1). To our knowledge, the only published direct comparison ofadrenergic receptors on circulating and extravascular cells in humans is the report of Brodde et al. (12) that human myocardial and intact mononuclear leukocyte ,B-adrenergic receptor densities are correlated.There is considerable evidence that catecholamines modulate adrenergic receptors ( 1-4). The most extensively studied pattern is an inverse relationship between agonist levels and adrenergic receptor function. For example, high catecholamine levels generally lead to desensitization of the tissue response to ,B-adrenergic agonists; among other possibilities, this involves uncoupling of,B-adrenergic ...