© F e r r a t a S t o r t i F o u n d a t i o nGvL response in relapsed AML, a rapid, large amplitude immune response is likely to be required, since the fast proliferation rate of an acute leukemia can lead to a high tumor burden, which will suppress the immune response. 19,20 A rapid and profound immune response is, however, likely to come at the cost of GvHD.To maximize the effect of combined cytoreductive treatment and DLI administration, we adopted a therapeutic strategy for post-allogeneic SCT relapsed AML based on disease control by salvage re-induction chemotherapy followed by DLI administration in the neutropenic phase. The pro-inflammatory milieu after chemotherapy might favor the induction of the immune response, whereas the expansion of infused donor cells is promoted by lymphopenia-induced homeostatic proliferation. 21,22 If no acute GvHD was observed within 3 weeks after DLI, the immune response was further stimulated by treatment with interferon-α. 23 We hypothesized that the combination of efficient cytoreduction by re-induction therapy for initial disease control, with DLI administered in rapid succession under circumstances favoring the development of an early and profound immune response may be essential to eradicate relapsed leukemia, but likely at the cost of GvHD.
Data collectionBetween January 2000 and January 2010, 44 patients with relapsed AML after allogeneic SCT were treated. The patients were categorized according to their pre-transplant disease characteristics as having intermediate-risk, poor-risk, or very poor-risk AML (see Online Supplementary Methods). The study was approved by Leiden University Medical Center Research Ethics Committee. Informed consent was obtained from the patients prior to data collection. Data were analyzed as of November 2012.
Transplantation protocolDetails about the transplantation protocols, T-cell depletion, donor matching, and diagnosis and treatment of GvHD are provided in the Online Supplementary Methods section.
RelapseRelapse after allogeneic SCT was defined as an increase of morphologically determined blasts in the bone marrow to 5% or more, and/or by the presence of more than 1% blasts in peripheral blood, and/or by the reappearance of molecular and/or cytogenetic markers. Further details and definitions of smoldering relapse and high tumor burden relapse are provided in the Online Supplementary Methods section.
Treatment strategies for relapsePatients with a poor performance status, defined as WHO performance status 3 or higher, and/or with severe GvHD requiring systemic immunosuppression at the time of relapse were unlikely to benefit from an intensive DLI-based strategy and received palliative treatment only.Patients with high tumor burden relapse received salvage reinduction therapy prior to infusion of donor lymphocytes. If a patient responded to re-induction therapy, with response being defined as absence of circulating leukemic blasts, unmanipulated donor lymphocytes collected from the original donor were administered 3 ...