RNA was isolated from human term placenta or cultured fibroblasts and translated in a rabbit reticulocyte system in the presence of [3S]methionine; the translation products were immunoprecipitated with antisera made against 3-hexosaminidase or its isolated a and ( chains and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The largest translated a and (3chain polypeptides had Mrs of 65,000 and 59,000, respectively. These are a2,ooo greater than the Mrs of precursor chains synthesized by intact fibroblasts and deglycosylated with endo-,3-N-acetylglucos- , ( Hexosaminidase is a lysosomal enzyme relevant to several heritable diseases. The A isozyme of f3-hexosaminidase is composed of a and , subunits, which are structurally dissimilar and encoded on different chromosomes; the B isozyme is composed of (3 subunits only. Tay-Sachs disease affects the a subunit and, therefore, the A isozyme; Sandhoffdisease affects the (3(or common) subunit and, therefore, both isozymes A and B. A third disease entity (AB variant) allows the production of normal (3-hexosaminidase but not ofits activator. These diseases are characterized by marked accumulation of GM2 ganglioside, the major natural substrate of ,B-hexosaminidase A, resulting in progressive loss of nervous system function; they are usually fatal in early childhood. Variant forms of later onset and reduced severity are also known. The clinical, genetic, and biochemical aspects ofthesedisordershavebeen reviewed(1).We previously have studied the synthesis and processing of the two chains of (3-hexosaminidase in cultured human skin fibroblasts (2-4).
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