New neutral oligosaccharides from cow colostrum rc-casein were identified and characterized by 500-MHz New neutral oligosaccharides from cow colostrum It-caseinoglycopeptide samples (C-terminal part of cow ic-casein, residues 106 -169, containing all the sugars) obtained 15 min, 18 h and 42 h after calving are described. While only one neutral disaccharide GalP(l-+ 3)GalNAc-01 was identified in mature milk Ic-caseinoglycopeptide which had no blood group I specificity, four neutral oligosaccharides (from di-to pentasaccharide) were characterized by 500-MHz 'H-NMR spectroscopy in cow colostrum It-caseinoglycopeptide. The latter and the tetrasaccharide which it contains inhibited the hemagglutination of I-positive human erythrocytes. Immunological experiments seem thus to rule out the possibility that the short sugar groups observed just after calving are split products arising from longer prosthetic oligosaccharides.
IC-Case inogly copep t ide preparationCow colostrum Ic-caseinoglycopeptide was prepared according to [3] from the colostrum of a unique cow obtained