Abstract:We perform a detailed analysis of ∆(6n 2 ) family symmetry combined with a generalised CP symmetry in the lepton sector, breaking to different remnant symmetries G ν in the neutrino and G l in the charged lepton sector, together with different remnant CP symmetries in each sector. We discuss the resulting mass and mixing predictions for G ν = Z 2 with G l = K 4 , Z p , p > 2 and G ν = K 4 with G l = Z 2 . All cases correspond to the preserved symmetry smaller than the full Klein symmetry, as in the semi-direct approach, leading to predictions which depend on a single undetermined real parameter, which mainly determines the reactor angle. We focus on five phenomenologically allowed cases for which we present the resulting predictions for the PMNS parameters as a function of n, as well as the predictions for neutrinoless double beta decay.