The concept of aromaticity was introduced into organic chemistry to describe delocalized p bonding in planar, cyclic, and conjugate molecules possessing (4n+2) p electrons.[1] In recent years, this concept has been advanced into main-group molecules including organometallic compounds with cyclic cores of metal atoms [2] and, in particular, all-metal clusters.[3]It has been shown that main-group clusters may exhibit multiple aromaticity (s and p), multiple antiaromaticity (s and p), and conflicting aromaticity (s aromaticity and p antiaromaticity or s antiaromaticity and p aromaticity). [4][5][6] Here, we report experimental and theoretical evidence of d aromaticity, which is only possible in transition-metal systems. [7] in which they showed the presence of a new type of chemical bond-a d bond between the two Re atoms. Since then, a branch of inorganic chemistry has been developed that involves multiple metal-metal bonding [8] with bond orders higher than three, the maximum allowed for main-group systems. Power and co-workers recently reported the synthesis of a Cr 2 compound with a quintuple bond (s 2 p 4 d 4 ) between the two Cr atoms. [9] This work, along with recent quantum chemical studies of multiple bonds in U 2 and [Re 2 Cl 8 ] 2À , [10] has generated renewed interest in multiple metal-metal bonding. [11][12][13] The presence of d bonds between two transition-metal atoms suggests that multicenter transition-metal species with a completely delocalized cyclic d bond may exist, thus raising the possibility of d aromaticity analogous to p or s aromaticity in main-group systems. We have been interested in understanding the electronic structure and chemical bonding of early transition-metal oxide clusters as a function of size and composition, and in using them as potential molecular models for oxide catalysts. [14][15][16] During our investigation of tantalum oxide clusters, we found the presence of d aromaticity in the [ Ta 3 O 3 ] À cluster, in which each Ta atom is in a low oxidation state of Ta II and still possesses three electrons for Ta-Ta bonding.The experiment was conducted by using a magneticbottle-type photoelectron spectroscopy apparatus equipped with a laser vaporization cluster source.[17] [Ta m O n ] À clusters with various compositions were produced by laser vaporization of a pure tantalum disk target in the presence of a helium carrier gas seeded with O 2 , and were size-separated by time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The [Ta 3 O 3 ] À species was mass-selected and decelerated before photodetachment by a pulsed laser beam. Photoelectron spectra were obtained at two relatively high photon energies, 193 nm (6.424 eV) and 157 nm (7.866 eV), to guarantee access to all valence electronic transitions (Figure 1). Three well-resolved bands (X, A, and B) were observed at the lower-binding-energy side. The X band is much more intense and shows a discernible splitting at 193 nm (Figure 1 a). Surprisingly, no well-defined electronic transitions were observed beyond 3.7 eV, where continuous signals were...