Methods. During the study of the directions of implementation of the concept of lean production in the conditions of the Dniprovsk Metallurgical Plant, the following methods of scientific research were applied: factor analysis – when determining the factors that negatively affected the development of Ukrainian metallurgy; generalization and classifications – when identifying the stages of introducing the concept of lean production at the enterprise; general and special – when determining the specifics of its application in the conditions of the metallurgical industry; analysis and synthesis – when forming ideas about the prospects of restructuring the organization of production processes of a metallurgical enterprise on the basis of other concepts of modern management. Results. It has been demonstrated that the metallurgical industry in Ukraine at the beginning of the 2020s remained one of the key ones in the national economy, despite the challenges of a geopolitical nature. The factors that negatively affected the development of Ukrainian metallurgy in the second half of the 20s of the 20th century are singled out, namely: the COVID-19 pandemic, which somewhat slowed down the development of the metallurgical sector and, at the same time, created a delayed demand for metal products that had to be satisfied in the next two or three years; the fullscale invasion of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which, starting from February 2022, actually put the process of metal products production on hold, and with it the measures to implement implementation of the concept of lean production. Novelty. The stages of the implementation of the concept of lean production at the metallurgical enterprise are highlighted, the experience of the first stage of implementation in relation to the activity of the Dniprovsk Metallurgical Plant is characterized and evaluated. Practical value. The article presents the results of the implementation of organizational measures during the transition to the concept of lean production. The key factor in the inevitability of the initiated reform processes in the production sphere is the permanent work of the management of the Dniprovsk Metallurgical Plant as agents of change. This experience can be useful for the restoration of the lost positions of the studied enterprise in the post-war period, as well as for other enterprises of the metallurgical industry that strive to increase the profitability of their production.