The article is devoted to the study of a new locality (Sparassis crispa) in the territory of the Slovak-Ovrutsky Range. The mushroom is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine and is under threat of extinction due to the growing interest in it as an object of cooking and medicine. To achieve the goal of the research, the following tasks were set: to describe the phytocenosis within which S. crispa is located and its floral environment, as well as to propose measures for its protection. The location of S. crispa is reforestation at the site of felling. The tree layer is dominated by young individuals of Pinus sylvestris L. (75-90%) with the participation of Betula pendula Roth. (20-50%). Frangula alnus Mill sometimes occurs in the undergrowth. Grass cover is sparse – up to 15%. Here, the mosses Dicranum polysetum, Dicranum scoparium, Polytrichum juniperinum and Pleurozium schreberi prevail. Festuca ovina, Lycopodium clavatum and Melampyrum pratense are occasionally found. According to the results of the synphytoindicative analysis, it was established that the environmental conditions correspond to moderately rich forests of Polissia, which belong to the Dicrano-Pinion union. The perennial wetting regime is slightly higher than the average values for the Dicrano-Pinetum association and approaches the Molinio-Pinetum association. Indicators of natural dynamics (ST=12.72 points) correspond to the transition from derived to young native forests. The level of anthropogenic transformation (HE=5.29 points) corresponds to natural oligohemerobic forests. So, despite the felling that was carried out here several years ago, the mushroom is still placed in conditions that are not subject to constant anthropogenic pressure. The phytocenosis in which Sparassis crispa is placed is the Dicrano-Pinetum association, Vaccinio-Piceetea class, Pinetalia sylvestris order, Dicrano-Pinion union. Since the "Prybytocky" hydrological reserve of local importance is being planned next to the location of the Sparassis crispa mushroom, it is expedient to include this territory in the projected PZF object.