Annotation. According to WHO, obstructive jaundice (OJ) is observed in 10-15% of the world's population. The choice of bile duct decompression technique and timing depends not only on the duration of OJ and also on the bilirubin count in the blood. The study of morphological disorders of the liver in cases of various bilirubin count in patients with OJ, will prevent post-decompression liver dysfunction and the development of biliary cirrhosis. The aim – to study morphological disorders of the liver depending on the bilirubin count in patients with obstructive jaundice. 30 OJ patients were subdivided into three groups. Group I (n = 10) included patients with a bilirubin count less than 100 μmol/l, Group II (n = 10) consisted of patients with hyperbilirubinemia from 100 to 200 μmol/l, and Group III (n = 10) included patients with a bilirubin count over 200 μmol/l. The microscopic structure of the liver parenchyma was studied using an OLIMPUS BX41 light microscope at magnifications of 100, 200 times. Morphometric parameters of structural changes were determined using software (Quick Foto Micro 2.3). Sample data were compared using Student's t-test at p<0.95. In the Group I patients, morphological disorders in the liver consisted in: centrilobular cholestasis, inflammatory infiltration of the stroma. In patients of the Group II, structural disorders in the liver were associated with the development of: cholestatic hepatitis, dystrophy and small focal necrosis of hepatocytes, initial fibrosis. In the Group IІI patients, morphological disorders in the liver consisted in: severe centrilobular cholestasis, dystrophy and large focal necrosis of hepatocytes, severe fibrosis, development of liver cirrhosis. Morphological disorders of the liver in OJ patients with a bilirubin count less than 100 μmol/l were reversed. In OJ patients with hyperbilirubinemia from 100 to 200 μmol/l, structural disorders in the liver had both a reversible and an irreversible course. Morphological hepatic disorders in OJ patients with a bilirubin count over 200 μmol/l was observed the irreversible course.