Socially important and relevant today is the development of an effective system of involving the population in systematic physical activity. Subject of study: system of involving the population in physical activity through sports events. Topic: formation of the strategy of activity of institutions of the sphere of physical culture and sports on involvement of the population in improving motor activity through sports and mass actions. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature; documentary method; system and SWOT-analysis; poll; expert evaluation; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Sports and mass events as a form of involving the population in health and recreational physical activity are considered. The list of actions of institutions which need to be carried out is offered to involve the population in sports and mass events and further participation in regular physical activity. An algorithm for involving the population in physical activity through sports and mass events has been formed. Conclusions. It is established that an important factor in involving the population in systematic physical activity can be sports and mass events, if at all stages of their preparation and implementation the purpose of such involvement will be pursued and educational and advocacy work will be carried out. SWOT-analysis of the activities of the regional center of physical health "Sports for All", Public Association "Samopomich", institutions of children's and youth clubs (UDUMK) allowed to offer a list of actions to involve the population in sports events, as well as involvement in regular physical activity. An algorithm for involving the population in recreational physical activity through sports and mass events has been formed, which is based on three stages of sports and mass events and has received a high expert assessment of project effectiveness.