Stem rust in recent years has acquired an epiphytotic character, causing significant economic damage for wheat production in some parts of Western Siberia. On the basis of a race composition study of the stem rust populations collected in 2016-2017 in Omsk region and Altai Krai, 13 pathotypes in Omsk population and 10 in Altai population were identified. The race differentiation of stem rust using a tester set of 20 North American Sr genes differentiator lines was carried out. The genes of stem rust pathotypes of the Omsk population are avirulent only to the resistance gene Sr31, Altai isolates are avirulent not only to Sr31, but also to Sr24, and Sr30. A low frequency of virulence (10-25 %) of the Omsk population pathotypes was found for Sr11, Sr24, Sr30, and for Altai population -Sr7b, Sr9b, Sr11, SrTmp, which are ineffective in Omsk region. Field evaluations of resistance to stem rust were made in 2016-2018 in Omsk region in the varieties and spring wheat lines from three different sources. The first set included 58 lines and spring bread wheat varieties with identified Sr genes -the so-called trap nursery (ISRTN -International Stem Rust Trap Nursery). The second set included spring wheat lines from the Arsenal collection, that were previously selected according to a complex of economically valuable traits, with genes for resistance to stem rust, including genes introgressed into the common wheat genome from wild cereal species. The third set included spring bread wheat varieties created in the Omsk State Agrarian University within the framework of a shuttle breeding program, with a synthetic wheat with the Ae. tauschii genome in their pedigrees. It was established that the resistance genes Sr31, Sr40, Sr2 complex are effective against stem rust in the conditions of Western Siberia. The following sources with effective Sr genes were selected: (Benno)/6*Lutescens 87-13 (Sr23, Sr31, Sr36). These sources are recommended for inclusion in the breeding process for developing stem rust resistant varieties in the region.Аннотация. Стеблевая ржавчина пшеницы в последние годы приобрела эпифитотийный характер, нанося значительный экономический ущерб производству зерна пшеницы в отдельных областях Западной Сибири. По результатам изучения расового состава популяций стеблевой ржавчины, собранной в 2016-2017 гг.132 Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции / Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding • 2020 • 24 • 2 Stem rust in Western Siberiarace composition and effective resistance genes в Омской области и Алтайском крае, выявлено 13 патотипов в омской популяции и 10 -в алтайской. Дифференцирование рас стеблевой ржавчины проводили с помощью тестерного набора 20 североамериканских линий-дифференциаторов Sr генов. Гены патотипов стеблевой ржавчины омской популяции авирулентны только к гену устойчивости Sr31, алтайские изоляты авирулентны, помимо Sr31, к генам Sr24, Sr30. Низкая частота вирулентности (10-25 %) патотипов омской популяции установлена для Sr11, Sr24, Sr30, а патотипов алтайской -для Sr7b, Sr9b, Sr11, SrTmp, которые ...