Relevance. Surgical intervention is the main radical and effective treatment for benign adrenal tumors. Of particular interest is the possibility of performing organ-saving operations in patients with a tumor of the contralateral adrenal gland more than 3 cm after previously undergoing adrenalectomy.
Objective: to evaluate the results of the subtotal resection of the only adrenal gland on the right regarding a benign tumor.
Results. This section of the article provides a detailed description of complaints, anamnesis, results of laboratory and instrumental methods of research of the patient before and after surgery.
Conclusions. 1) Removal of a tumor of a single adrenal gland with its central segment and ligation of its central vein did not lead to disruption of the hormonal function of the gland during the observation period up to 2 months after surgery.
2) After a single adrenal gland resection was performed, blood pressure indices steadily decreased, which was accompanied by a decrease in doses of antihypertensive drugs.