Research was carried out with the aim of developing techniques to promote better ear formation in plants and improve the quality of corn grain for the production of valuable feed. The two-factor experience was laid in 2019-2021 on gray forest soils of Kama region of the Republic of Tatarstan. The experimental plot was characterized by the following indicators: gray forest soil, heavy loamy, humus content (according to Tyurin) is low (3.8%), mobile phosphorus and potassium (according to Kirsanov) are respectively very high (288 mg/kg of soil) and increased (153 mg/kg of soil). kg of soil), pH 6.5. The research was carried out in a two-factor field experiment, the scheme of which included the following options: background nutrition (factor A) - without fertilizers (control), NK for a yield of 50 t/ha of green mass of corn, NK for 50 t/ha + foliar feeding with liquid microfertilizer Batr Zn , inlay GSN-2004 + foliar fertilizer Batr Zn%, corn hybrid (factor B) - early maturing three-line hybrids of universal use Nur (FAO 150) and Bilyar-160 (FAO 160), as well as mid-early double interline hybrid Voronezhsky-279 (FAO 290). The inclusion of foliar feeding with organomineral microfertilizer Batr Zn at a rate of 1 l/ha in the 8-leaf phase against backgrounds with the use of mineral fertilizers has a positive effect on the development of the generative organs of corn (cob weight increases by 0.5...5.8 g, weight of 1000 grains - by 5...7%, compared to the NK option at 50 t/ha). At the same time, the yield of green mass increases by 6...8%. The grain harvest reaches 59.37 (hybrid Bilyar-160); 59.8 (hybrid Nur) and 67.25 c/ha (hybrid Voronezh-279). Foliar feeding of Batr Zn on a fertilized background helps to improve the quality indicators of corn feed. The content of sugars increases, relative to the control variant without fertilizers, by 2%, crude protein - by 0.2% and crude fiber - by 3...4%.