Ih this research , the outdoor thermal environment around residential buildings with and without greens werc mcasured in winter and summer , and the follo 曲 g results were ob 面 ncd . 1 ) ln sumrner and win 剛 tdoor air temperatUre is 1. 5K lower血 啣 n spac 曲 in the no greer1 space . 2)In su e ら ground s嘸 e tempera 膿 is 8. 3K lower in the green space 血 an in the no green space . 3 ) In su er , moistUre ratio is 1・ lgtkg ' 1。wer in出 e 脚 space than 洫 血e no 9reen space . The results show that greens arc effective to moderate air temperature , ground surface temperature and humidi 以 Heat mitigation effect oftrees extends to out of tree shade , According to this measuremen い he optimal grcen plantation is about 4. 5m in height and 4m away fヤ om the building .