SummaryThe isolation and synthesis of (cis-6-methyltetrahtydropyran-2-yl)acetic acid (la), a novel compound from civet (Viverra civetta), are reported.In the course of analysis of the volatile acids of civet') we ]identified, besides various common aliphatic carboxylic acids (saturated, unsaturated, straight chain and branched, containing 2 to 18 carbon atoms), the heterocyclic carboxylic acid la2). To the best of our knowledge, neither the natural occurrence nor the synthesis of this acid has been reported.The new compound was isolated and identified in the form of its methyl ester 2a, the constitution of which was deduced from the spectral data. The mass spectrum (molecular ion at mle 172) and the NMR. spectrum (16 protons) indicated the empirical formula C9H 1603. Jnfra-red spectroscopy confirmed the presence of a non-conjugated ester group absorbing at 1740 cm-'. The 'H-NMR. spectrum revealed the nature and the relative position of the third oxygen atom with respect to the ester function. The presence of the partial structure CH3-CH-O-CH-CH2-COOCH3was suggested by signals at 6 1.14 (d, J = 6 . 5
(m, 1 H, -0-CH-CH2COO-).The methylene protons next to the ester function appeared as the A B part of an A B X system with 6,=2.40, dB=2.58, J A B = 15 Hz, J,,=6Hz, J,,=7 Hz. Irradiation at the center of this signal resulted in a simplification of the m at 3.80, and irradiation at 3.47 chan,ged the d at 1.14 3 H, CH,-CH-O-); 3.47 (m, 1 H, CH,-CH-O--); 3.69 (s, 3 H, -COOCH,);Civet is the glandular secretion from the civet cat (Viverru civetta). Together with ambergris, castoreum and musk, it is one of the few very expensive animal perfume materials [I]. l a has a very faint sour-fatty odour.