Magnetic phase diagrams, magnetization curves, and domain structures of a uniaxial two-sublattice metamagnet are considered taking into account the magnetostatic energy. The problem of nucleation for a metamagnetic phase transition of the first-order type is investigated. The results are compared with available experimental data. PaCCMOTpeHbI MarHHTHbIe $a30BbIe HIlarPaMMbI, KPHBbIe HaMarHHUXBaHHH H HOMeHHbIe CTPYKTYPbI OAHOOCHOrO HByXIIO~pelIIeTOrHOrO MeTaMarHeTHKa IlpH YreTe MWHHTO-CTaTElseCKOH 3HeprMH. HCCJIeJXYeTCZI npo6ne~a 3apO~bI~eO6pa30BaHHH IIpll MeTaMarHHT-HOM @BOBOM IlepeXOHe nepBOr0 pojla. Pe3YJIbTaTbI CpaBHHBaWTCH C Ei MeIoLUHMHCH 3KCIIePHMeHTaJIbHbIMH AaHHbIMH. FeCI, -2 H,O [El, in Gd,Al[13], in rare-earth metals [14], in Gd,Co and (Gd0,2Tb0,8)3Co [15], in Ca,Mn,Ge,O,, [16]. The felaxation of magnetization near OPT is connected apparently with the metamagnetic domain structure [ 171. The metamagnetic OPT are discovered in non-collinear CoNb,O, [18], in four-sublattice PbFeC1, -2 D,O, and CsFeC1, 2 D,O, [19], in rare-earth metal alloys [ZO]. The influence of the concentration z on the metamagnetism of the solution Fe~,-,,Co,Cl, is measured in [21].The authors of a recent experimental study [16] try to interpret the results using the model of a n isotropic metamagnet [22]. However, the agreement with the theory is not complete as the authors of [16] note. I n the present paper we attempt to show that it is possible to explain the available experimental material in the frame of the 33'