Introduction. The defeat of hard tissues of the tooth, accompanied by inflammatory processes, remains today an urgent medical and social problem for the population. Inflammatory processes cause acute pain and often lead to loss of teeth, which causes significant damage to the aesthetic and functional state of the dental system. Despite the large number of drugs created to date, methods for their use, the search and testing of new drugs for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity does not lose its relevance and relevance in practical healthcare.Aim. The purpose of this study was to study the anti-inflammatory activity of new dental dosage forms with Acyzol.Materials and methods. Serial samples of gels and films with an active pharmaceutical substance – acyzol bis-(1-vinylimidazole)zincdiacetate (ФС 000286 191211.2011, LLC "Makiz-Pharma", Russia, 101218, shelf life 3 years) were used for the study; basic and gel-forming components – Na-KMTs C75 (TU 2231-002-50277563-2000, LLC "Chemical Products Base "Yugreaktiv", Russia, 151119, shelf life 3 years), glycerol (FS.2.2.0006.15 "Glycerin", JSC "Kupavnareaktiv", Russia, 082019, shelf life 3 years), purified water (FS.2.2.0020.18 "Purified water"), nipagin (LLC "", Russia, 092018, shelf life 3 years), nipazol (LLC "ECOCHEM-INNOVATION", Russia, 071518, shelf life 3 years). The studies were carried out on a model of carrageenan edema during external application of the studied dosage forms of Acyzol, modified taking into account the specifics of the dosage forms.Results and discussion. An acute inflammatory reaction was induced by subplantar injection of 0.1 ml of a 1 % solution of carrageenin into the hind paw of a rat. An increase in the volume of the foot, indicating the development of edema, was assessed oncometrically before and 3 hours after the administration of the phlogogenic agent. The studied objects in the amount of 0.3 g were applied to the skin of the foot 0.5 hours before the introduction of carrageenan. Statistical processing was carried out according to Student's method using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Professional software. Based on the results obtained, the effect of inflammation inhibition was determined as a percentage of the control level. The presence of anti-inflammatory action was judged by the severity of inhibition of the inflammatory response. If this indicator was more than 30 %, the result was taken into account as positive.Conclusion. It has been established that the films and the gel have an anti-inflammatory effect, which was found in the model of carrageenan edema. The results obtained indicate the feasibility of further pharmacological studies and make it possible to recommend the gel and films as an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases.