Background: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) suffer from various physical as well as psychological impairments, and patient education may help improve their well-being. Therefore, we developed a manualized education program for IBD patients addressing medical and psychological issues. This study aimed to evaluate it in a large controlled trial. Methods: A total of 181 IBD outpatients participated in a prospective, randomized, waitlist-controlled trial; assessments were made before as well as 2 weeks and 3 months after intervention. Analysis of covariance was used to assess intervention effects on disease-related worries and concerns (primary outcome), fear of progression, coping with anxiety, health competencies, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), perceived disease activity, symptoms of depression and anxiety, disease-related knowledge, and coping strategies. Participants' satisfaction with the program was also evaluated. Results: At 2 weeks and 3 months after intervention, we found significant large effects of our education program on skill and technique acquisition, knowledge, and coping with IBD. Moreover, we found significant medium effects on disease-related worries and concerns, fear of progression, coping with anxiety, constructive attitudes and approaches, as well as coping with disease-related negative emotions. The number of coping strategies used was significantly higher at 3 months. We did not find any effects on perceived disease activity, HRQoL, positive and active engagement in life, or symptoms of anxiety and depression. The program was rated very favorably by the attendees. Conclusion: Our education program contributed to improvements in psychological distress, self-management skills, and coping and was appreciated by its attendees.