7] Crystallographic data for 2 . 3py (C,,H,,CI,LiN,, M = 328.16): Monoclinic, space group P2,ln, a=1271.3(1). b =1072.8(5), c =1273.1(1)pm, / 3 = 91.81(1Y. V=1735.5(8)x 10-30m3. 2 = 4. p ,, =1.256 Mgm-'. ~(CU,,) = 3.331 mm". Data collection on an Enraf-Nonius CAD4 diffractometer with graphite monochromated Cu,, -radiation. o scans. max. 12 s per reflection, T = 150(2) K. 2604 reflections were collected (4 < 0 i 55"). of which 2185 were unique (R,,, = 0.053). The structure was solved with direct methods (SHELXTL) and was refined on F2 with all reflections (SHELXL-93). non-hydrogen atoms anisotropic, hydrogen atoms (without Hl) on calculated positions with fixed isotropic temperature factors. The parameters of the weightingschemecalculated by the program were: 0.1150,2.3053, wR2(Rl for 1949 reflections with I > Zu(1)): 0.2051 (0.0740), Goof =1.033; 204 refined parameters. The data were corrected with the program DIFABS ( R values without the DIFABS correction: 0.2283.0.0834). Relatively high temperature factors for the atoms C9 and C10 and "too short" bond lengths C8-C9 and C9-C10 indicate disorder which has not been resolved [13]. All calculations have been performed on an Micro-VAX I1 and a Dec 3000-300X [8-121 [8] Siemens SHELXTL (VMS) Vers. 5.04, Siemens-Analytical-X-Ray-lnstru-