Abstrak: Tuntutan utama peradaban teknologi pada era global adalah kiat menyinergikan berbagai informasi dijadikan proposisi sebagai kerangka pikir dalam pemecahan masalah. Karakteristik dialektika teknologi era ini menuntut adanya pergeseran pola berpikir, kiat pemenuhan kebutuhan, ranah dan tingkat kompetisi, serta budaya untuk survival. Suatu bangsa yang menguasai pemanfaatan dan pengembangan teknologi berpotensi “menguasai dunia”. Dewasa ini terjadi pergeseran ranah persaingan pada keunggulan kualitas dan aksessibilitas suatu produk yang mengarah pada kecepatan, fleksibilitas, dan kepercayaan yang didukung kemampuan learning how to learn dan networking. Keadaan ini membutuhkan sumber daya manusia berkepribadian arif dan hikmat, mengedepankan excellent competence, godly character, sustainable self-learning, dan spiritual dis-cernment sebagai kunci keberhasilan dalam pemanfaatan, pengembangan dan pelestarian kekayaan geografis, demografis, sosial- budaya. Karakteristik sosok manusia ini berpotensi mampu mengembangkan kemampuan emulatif, yaitu human-ware, info-ware, organo-ware, dan techno-ware untuk menghasilkan produk teknologi yang ”high quality, low-cost, low-risk, high comptitieve” di era global. Kata Kunci: manusia unggul dan berkarakter, kemampuan emulatif, bidang teknologi, era globalisasi INDONESIAN HUMAN RESOURCES OF EXCELLENCE AND DIVINE CHARACTER IN TECHNOLOGY AS A LIFE DEMAND IN THE GLOBALIZATION ERA Abstract: The main demand of technological civilization in the global era is the knack in synergizing varied information to build a proposition as a framework in the problem solution. The characteristics of the dialectic technology era demands a shift in the mindset, the knack in meeting the demands, the domain and level of competition, and the culture of survival. A nation possessing the capacity to make use and develop technology has the potential of “ruling the world.” Nowadays, there is a shift in competition domain in the excellence of product quality and accessability leading to speed, flexibility and trust supported by the ability of learning how to learn dan networking. This condition requires human resources having the characteristics of being wise, prioritizing excellent competence, godly character, sustainable self-learning, and spiritual dis-cernment as the key of success in making use, developing, and sustaining the geographical, demographic, and socio-cultural richness. The human characteristics of this sort have the potential of developing emulative ability, i.e., human-ware, info-ware, organo-ware, and techno-ware to yield technology products of ”high quality, low-cost, low-risk,and highly competitive” in this global era. Keywords: human resources of excellence and divine character, emulative ability, technology, globalization era