CuLTRATE, a beak resembling a pruiiing-knife or coulter. Wattles, fleshy appendages under the chin. JVlissiLE-TONGue, which may be thrust far out of the moulh. jyicTiTANT-MEMBRANE, a semi-trauspareut eyc-Ud. ExsERT, teeth, &c. projecting out. Incisors, front, or cutting teeth. CusPiDATEs, canine teeth, next to Incisors. MoLARRs, grinders, the teeth farthest back in the mouth. ViBRissAE, smellers, hair of the nostrils. Protrusile, when the head may be thrust out. Retractile, when the head may be drawn in. Effuse, with a pouring outlet, like a pitcher nose in the niouth of some shells, as cyj)j'ea. Byssus, silky fibres at the hinge or head of some shells. Beard, tendril-form appendage to mouths of fish. Gill-covers, the bony or cartilagcnous substance placed on the gill-membrane. Gill-membrane, the membrane coveiing the gills. Bronchial, pertaining to the gills. Stemmata, small lucid globules resembling eyes, on the top of the head ; generally three in number. II. RELATING TO THE NECK. Scrag, back of a bird's neck. Indistinct, when the head and breast grow in one piece. III. RELATING TO THE THORAX OR BREAST. Ventricles, the larger cavities of the heart. Auricles, the smaller cavities, above the larger, and resembling ears in appearance. ELEMENTARY TERMS. 31 LateraIi-line, the sideline of many fish, dividing the back from the belly. Dorsal, lelatin.^to the back. Dorsal FINS, auy back-fin between the head and tail-fin. Pectoral FIN'S, a pair growing on each si