Studied were the yield, biochemical composition, tasting and consumer quality indicators of 24 hybrid forms and 12 varieties of cherry bred by the Dagestan Breeding Experimental Station of Fruit Crops. The research was carried out using conventional methods of analysis and standard methods of cherry variety studying. Of the group of varieties of early-medium ripening, the best distinguished by a high content of soluble dry substances, sugars and vitamin C were the varieties Zhemchuzhnaya, Granatovaya, Almaznaya, Bigarro Krainskogo, Bereket, and hybrid forms 31/7; 109/1 and 180/1 in which the mass concentration of these substances ranged from 12.4-14.7 %; 10.34-12.85 % and 6.9-9.5 mg%, respectively. Among the varieties of medium ripening, the largest ability to accumulate soluble dry substances, sugars and vitamin C in fruits was shown by the varieties Bujnakskaya chernaya, Lezginka, Maral and hybrids numbered 43/2; 190/4 and 71/3 in which the content of these components of the chemical composition was 12.4-16.6 %; 10.53-12.19 % and 7.2-9.2 mg%, respectively. The best indicators of fetal weight, compared to the control variety of cherries Dagestanka (7.4 g) in the group of varieties of early-medium maturation were shown by: Zhemchuzhnaya (8.0 g); Granatovaya (8.2 g) and Bereket (8.3 g). Among the varieties of medium ripening, a more significant mass of the fruit compared to the control variety Napoleon chernaya (7.2 g) was in the varieties Maral (7.4 g) and Bujnakskaya chernaya (8.3 g). The highest overall tasting rating (4.9-5 points) was received by the fruits of the varieties Granatovaya, Bereket, Zhemchuzhnaya, Lezginka, Bujnakskaya chernaya and Maral. The same varieties had good indicators of average yield (t/ha): Granatovaya – 9.78; Bereket – 8.72; Bujnakskaya chernaya – 7.59 and Maral – 7.54. Taking into account the results of the studies carried out, it can be concluded that the varieties of cherry bred by the Dagestan Breeding Experimental Station of Fruit Crops Granatovaya, Bereket, Buinakskaya chernaya and Maral the fruits of which have the best agronomic characters and high commodity and consumer qualities, can be submitted for state variety testing and used in breeding work.
The development of new varieties of cherries with a combination of economically important traits, along with the high nutritional value of the fruit, is an important trend in breeding research, which renews and expands the variety range of cherries. The agrobiological and consumer properties of seven new varieties of sweet cherries of Dagestan breeding (FSBSI Dagestan breeding experimental station of fruit crops) are presented: Bela, Dagestan red, Bigarro Krainsky, Garnet, Lyubimitsa Korvatskogo, Lezginka and Nike. The research was carried out using conventional methods for a variety research and biochemical methods of analysis. It was determined that the cherry varieties Lyubimitsa Korvatskogo, Pomegranate, White and Nike are highly resistant to spring frosts, with the subfreezing of flowers being less than 18.3%. The fruits of the varieties Nike, Bela, Pomegranate, Lezginka and Lyubimitsa Korvatskogo are the most resistant to dehiscence, since the index of dehiscence during ripening at high humidity for these varieties varied within 13.5–18.2 %. The susceptibility of new varieties to Coccomyces and monilial blight is insignificant (no more than 1.2 points). Varieties Bigarro Krainsky, Pomegranate, Lezginka and Nike are characterized by the highest content of soluble solids (12.4–16.3%) and sugars (11.01–12.02%) in fruits. Bigarro Krainski, Bela and Lezginka exhibited the highest vitamin C content (9.24– 9.70 mg %). With the exception of the Bela variety (5.0 g), all new varieties of cherries are characterised by large fruits (7.5–9.5 g). Tasting indicators were rated as high (within 4.7–5.0 points on a five-point scale) for the Lyubimitsa Korvatskogo, Pomegranate, Lezginka and Nike varieties. The average yield was the highest for Nike, Bela and Garnet (8.0–9.6 t/ ha). The study showed that new cherry varieties obtained a combination of economic and biologically valuable traits, along with improved consumer properties compared with the control varieties. Therefore, they are recommended as valuable parent materials for breeding programs and the expansion of commercial cherry orchards in Dagestan in order to obtain high-quality fruit products.
Для установления селекционно-технологического приоритета сортов по уровню содержания ценных пищевых веществ исследован нутриентный профиль большого сортимента сортов черешни, выращиваемых в усло- виях предгорного Дагестана. Объектами исследования были плоды черешни 8 интродуцированных и 12 местных селекционных сортов, собранные в экспериментальных насаждениях Дагестанской селекционной опытной станции плодовых культур. В образцах плодов определено содержание сахаров,кислот, витаминов С и Р, пектиновых и поли- фенольных веществ по общепринятым биохимическим методам анализа. Установлено, что плоды черешни сортов Полянка, Гудзон, Винка, Романтика, Бигарро Краинского, Буйнакская черная, Лезгинка, Ленинградскаягвардейская и Поздняя Лермонтова характеризовались высоким содержанием сахаров (11,2–12,8%) и кислот (0,63–1,10%). Высо- коесодержание витамина С (8,2–11,8 мг%) определено в плодах интродуцированных сортов Гудзон, Крупноплодная, Дурона де Виньола (сек.) и Романтика, а среди селекционных сортов – в Нике и Бигарро Краинского. Наибольшее количество витамина Р (66,2–89,6 мг%), антоцианов (112,6–150,3 мг%) и лейкоантоцианов (44,3–59,7 мг%) фор- мируется в плодах черешни сортов Валерий Чкалов, Гудзон, Дурона де Виньола (сек.) и Крупноплодная. В плодах селекционных сортов Бигарро Краинского, Дагестанская ранняя, Дагестанская черная и Нике установлено высокое содержание полифенольных веществ. Комплексная оценка нутриентного состава плодов черешнипоказала, что наи- более перспективными для оптимизации ее промышленного сортимента в условиях Дагестана, использования в се- лекционной работе и при проектировании специализированных продуктов питания являются сорта Валерий Чкалов, Дурона де Виньола(сек.), Гудзон, Крупноплодная, Бигарро Краинского, Дагестанская черная, Лезгинка, Нике и Позд- няя Лермонтова, отличающиесянаибольшей способностью формирования жизненно необходимых пищевых веществ In order to establish the selection and technological priority of varieties according to the content of valuable nutrients, the nutrient profile of alarge assortment of cherry varieties grown in the conditions of foothill Dagestan was studied. The objects of the study were cherry fruits of 8 introducedand 12 local breeding varieties collected in experimental plantings of the Dagestan breeding experimental station of fruit crops. The content of sugars,acids, vitamins C and P, pectin and polyphenolic substances was determined in fruit samples according to generally accepted biochemical methods ofanalysis. It was found that the cherry fruits of the Polyanka, Hudzon, Vinka, Romantika, Bigarro Krainskogo, Buynakskaya chernaya, Lezginka, Leningradskaya gvardeyskaya and Pozdnyaya Lermontova varieties were characterized by a high content of sugars (11,2–12,8%) and acids (0,63–1,10%). A high content of vitamin C (8,2–11,8 mg%) was determined in the fruits of the introduced varieties Hudzon, Krupnoplodnaya, Durona deVinola (sec.) and Romantika, and among the breeding varieties – in Nike and Bigarro Krainskogo. The largest amount of vitamin P (66,2–89,6 mg%),anthocyanins (112,6–150,3 mg%) and leucoanthocyanins (44,3–59,7 mg%) is formed in the fruits of cherry varieties Valeriy Chkalov, Hudzon, Durona de Vinola (sec.) and Krupnoplodnaya. The fruits of the breeding varieties Bigarro Krainskogo, Dagestanskaya rannyaya, Dagestanskayachernaya and Nike have a high content of polyphenolic substances. A comprehensive assessment of the nutrient composition of cherry fruits showed that the most promising varieties for optimizing its industrial assortment in the conditions of Dagestan, use in breeding work and in the design of specialized food products are Valeriy Chkalov, Durona de Vinola (sec.), Hudzon, Krupnoplodnaya, Bigarro Krainskogo, Dagestanskaya chernaya,Lezginka, Nike and Pozdnyaya Lermontova, characterized by the greatest ability to form vital nutrients.
Abstract. The purpose. Identification of among the variety of cherries introduced in the natural and climatic conditions of the northern foothills of Dagestan, the most promising variety samples distinguished by high nutritional value and the best commodity and consumer quality indicators for further use in selection and horticulture in order to optimize the industrial variety of cherries. Methods. The studies were carried out using generally accepted chemical methods of analysis and standard methods of sweet cherry variety study. Results. It was determined that the largest amount of soluble solids was contained in the fruits of the varieties: Melanbayer (15.3 %), Polyanka (14.8 %), Lyaskovska Khrushchalka (14.6 %) and Merton Bigarro (14.5 %). The best in terms of the mass concentration of sugars (11.57–12.81 %) were the varieties Sofiyska Khrushchalka, Merton Bigarro, Polyanka and Melanbayer. The varieties Gudzon, Merton Bigarro, Polyanka, Melanbayer and Meteor distinguished themselves with a high content of titrated acids (0.80–1.14 %). Sweet cherry varieties Polyanka, Sofiyska Khrushchalka, Gudzon, Van, Melanbayer and Merton Bigarro were distinguished by the greatest ability to accumulate vitamin C (7.21–9.16 mg%). The fruits of the Polyanka and Sofiyska Khrushchalka varieties received the highest tasting rating (5 points). The best indicators of fruit weight were distinguished by the varieties Van (6.7 g), Gudzon (7.2 g), Lyaskovska Khrushchalka (7.2 g) and Polyanka (9.0 g). The results of the technical analysis of the fruits of the sweet cherry prototypes showed that the Merton Bigarro, Van, Lyaskovska Hrushalka and Polyanka varieties belong to the highest commercial grade. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a comprehensive quality assessment of 12 varieties of sweet cherries introduced in the conditions of foothill Dagestan was carried out and the most promising varieties were identified (Polyanka, Gudzon, Merton Bigarro, Van and Sofiyska Khrushchalka), which are distinguished by the best quality indicators that can be recommended for successful optimization of the industrial variety, as well as used as donors and gene sources in selection work in order to improve the biochemical composition, commodity-consumer and tasting characteristics of fruits.
Комплексная оценка новых перспективных сортов черешни дагестанской селекции РЕЗЮМЕ Актуальность. Создание новых сортов с комплексом хозяйственно ценных и биологически ценных признаков -актуальное направление селекционных исследований, обновляющих и расширяющих сортимент черешни.Методы. Представлены характеристика хозяйственно-биологических свойств и описание восьми новых сортов черешни дагестанской селекции: Память Покровской, Буйнакская черная, Марал, Элитная форма 129/1, Ленинградская гвардейская, Долорес, Жемчужная и Поздняя Лермонтова. Исследовали черешню, применяя биохимические методы анализа и стандартные методики сортоизучения.Результаты. Определено, что все изучаемые сорта черешни, кроме сорта Память Покровской, характеризуются значительным содержанием в плодах растворимых сухих веществ (13,7-17,9%), сахаров (10,1-13,2%) и кислот (0,40-1,12%). Крупноплодными (7-9 г), с хорошими дегустационными оценками (4,8-5,0 баллов) оказались Буйнакская черная, Ленинградская гвардейская, Долорес, Жемчужная и Элитная форма 129/1. Поздняя Лермонтова, Марал и Долорес высокоустойчивы к весенним заморозкам (подмерзание цветков не превышало 17,5%). Плоды черешни Буйнакская черная, Марал, Элитная форма 129/1, Жемчужная и Поздняя Лермонтова наиболее устойчивы к растрескиванию (от 8,0 до 18,0%) в процессе созревания при высокой влажности воздуха. Новые селекционные сорта маловосприимчивы к коккомикозу и монилиальному ожогу, но Ленинградская гвардейская и Долорес отличились низкой устойчивостью к монилиальной гнили плодов (поражение 21-23%). Определено, что в основном все исследованные сорта черешни отличаются стабильно высокой урожайностью, улучшенными товарно-потребительскими свойствами и устойчивостью к стрессорам среды.
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