The first measurement of 1J(1e7Os-3lP) is reported for the complexes OsH,(PEt,Ph), and cis-OsCl,(CO),-(PButPrn,),.increase in lK(M-slP) . , consistent with the expected increase in s-electron density a t the nucleus from tungsten to platinum causing the ALTHOUGH osmium has a naturally occurring isotope with nuclear spin of one half (1870s, 1.64% abundant), hitherto the only observation of nuclear spin-spin coupling to osmium has been osmium-hydrogen coupling in multihydrido-complexes such as OsH,(AsEt,Ph) ,.I We now report the first measurement of lJ(187OsSlP). The 3 1 P n.m.r. spectra of OsH,(PEt,Ph) , and cis-OsCl,(CO),-(PButPrn,), were measured with white noise decoupling of the protons. The results are summarised in the Table, along with data for comparison for tungsten and platinum.It will be observed that for compounds of similar type the reduced coupling constant, lK(M-SlP), for 1870.5 is intermediate between the value for la3W and 195Pt. This is J(M-31P) and lK(M31P) for some third-row transition metal complexes 'K(M-"P) x J ( M 3 P ) Hz 10-20 cn13 * W-P Complexes2 * . . . 200-381 994-1894 trans-W(CO),(PBun,), .. 265 1317 OsH,(PEt2Ph), . . .. 166 1490 cis-0sCl2(CO),(PButPrn~)6 . . 149.8 1343 tr~ns-PtC1~(PButPr~,)~ 4 .. 2435 2343 Pt-P Complexes2 .. .. 1460---6400 1405-6158 * K(N-N') = J(N-N')*~~/L(YNYN.)*'