6721 Scheme I11 CI I I CHzCI2 + C u C I / P ( O E t ) 3 hr CICH2-Cu-CI P(OEtI3 CICH,;(OEt ) 3 C I --t CUCl I CICH2PO(OEt)z 4-E t C l 2 acrylate may also be explained reasonably by a similar two electron oxidative addition-reductive elimination pathway (Scheme 111). 2 was not obtained without assistance of photoirradiation or in a photochemical reaction without CuCl catalyst. The reactions of Scheme I1 and I11 further suggest that pathway a and not b of Scheme I is involved in copper(1)-catalyzed photoaddition of alkyl halides to olefins. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 56550606) from the Ministry of Education, for which we are grateful. Registry No. CH,(CH,),Br, 109-65-9; c-C6Hl,Br, 108-85-0; (C-H,),CBr, 507-19-7; Br(CH,),Br, 110-52-1; Br(CH,),Br, 109-64-8; Br-(CH,),Br, 106-93-4; Br(CH,),COOEt, 539-74-2; CH3(CH2),C1, 109-CHCOMe, 78-94-4; CH2=C(Me)CN, 126-98-7; CH,=C(Me)COOEt, 97-63-2; CH2=C(COOEt)CH2COOEt, 2409-52-1 ; cis-CH(COOEt)= CH(COOEt), 141-05-9; CuC1, 7758-89-6; CuBr, 7787-70-4; (n-Bu),P, 998-40-3; CH3(CH,),